Do you think having an account on Linkedin means it becomes a free job alert machine for you? Do you believe that a good Linkedin profile is a ticket to get a call from HR saying, “please, come and join us!”
Linkedin nowhere means a Job search tool. A Lot of leaders and professionals have said this earlier. They say it’s a social networking platform. But every network has a purpose. We become a part of any network with an intent in mind. We always want to gain something out of our network. Either it is knowledge, or job or reference, or RECOGNITION.
How many of us become a part of any network online or offline to get recognition? How many of us enjoy being the center of attraction? When someone walks to you in a crowd and say, ” Are you Shipra Madaan( I am using my name here as I love whenever this happens to me). You motivate all to the core through your posts.”
Yes One big reason for being a part of Linkedin Network should be
And more you give to the audience, the more you are recognized.LinkedIn is a virtual network. Linkedin provides access to you to talk to even those you never thought you could ever approach. I once commented on Indra Nooyi’s post and she liked my comment. Her just liking my comment gave me goosebumps.
Once you are a recognized profile on Linkedin, then the next purpose for your existence should be
Servant Leadership.
Now, what is this
Servant Leadership is when you work towards making others feel like Leaders. Make them recognized. Reply to their comments; Like their posts. Comment on their posts and make them feel important. Make them valuable. And you will see how even Network of Networks start appreciating your work.
Servant Leadership makes any leader stand out. The habit of developing more leaders and making the system independent of you makes you a real Leadership material.
Once you start doing this, the next most crucial aspect is, you should be
Anyone who drops you a message, make sure you revert. Even if you don’t have a solution to the problem, still respond. Your NO will also add value.
And if you follow this respectfully, you will realize how your career gets enhanced. I assure you, there will not be even a single day when you will be dropping a message to someone and waiting for a revert.
Servant Leadership
These are the real purpose of Linkedin.
Don’t just limit yourself and consider LinkedIn a Job Search Engine Platform.
For that login to Naukri