I came across a professional few months back who had an experience of approximately 20 years and had made 3 job changes. He stayed with his last organization for approx. 11 years. He was now Jobless.


He came to me and said, ” I am in a dilemma. I am not worried as I know I will get a job. But what is the guarantee as to how long will that new job last? Will I always be at the plight of someone senior, who, one fine morning will decide that he can do without me in his team.”


He Paused. He then said ,” Shall I become an Entrepreneur! “. But very next moment he said, “but what is the guarantee that business will flourish !”


And he went On…… n……. On……. n……….. On. I kept Silent and listened to him with all my ears and a smile on my face.


I believe almost every one of us who is reading this has been through this phase. The Corporate World has become so much a part of us that most of our time goes in managing Our professional life. Though I am never able to categorize life into Personal and professional life. For me THIS IS #LIFE.


But anyways that day reading his mind clearly I suggested him with few ways by which he surely can and I believe most of US can change the perception of working in this #INDUSTRY.


I suggested him to start thinking about yourself not as an individual but as a Company or a Financial Entity. Start designating yourself as Me. India Private Limited or Me.Inc.


This financial institute requires steady cash flow and for this the entity needs to innovate new products and services all the time. ( SKILL ENHANCEMENT)


  1. Research n Development : For an Organization to do well, you must keep taking initiatives and do RnD so that your product appeals to the customer ( Customer here is the employer) instantly. (UNDERSTAND WHAT THE CUSTOMER WANTS AND UPGRADE YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY)


Therefore upgrade your skills not when you are on the verge to lose your #JOB. Keep reading about market trends and learn to foresee the future. Don’t keep doing same work at same pace. Run fast and grab the skills which are going to be the need of the hour in 2022.


  1. Next Do Strategic Planning – Plan so that you are always visible in the market. The moment you go off the track, people will forget you and someone else will take your place. So stay active ( SOCIAL NETWORKING AND STRONG LINKEDIN PROFILE AND VISIBILITY)

Talk to People. Talk to those who are not in your Inner Circle. Get out of your comfort zone and start connecting to those who are leaders of your domain. Make yourself so strong on Linkedin that people feel like talking to you. You should get Connection requests.


3.Enhance your Marketing and PR skills – Your achievements should be highlighted on hoardings and whenever your customer thinks of buying your skill he should think about you instantly


If you did something that brought accolades to you share that with others. Tell the World out there what you did differently that changed things for your organization or for anyone in the society.


  1. And last but not the least. Learn to Sell yourself. Make your selling tool so strong that the moment someone reads it he says THIS IS IT.

Make your resume one of the strongest document that tells the reader why they should ONLY HIRE YOU. And don’t start thinking about this document only when you start looking out. Spend time on this most financially important document NOW.


Hope this is useful for all of US