Lot of professionals ask me what all do I work on. So here is the list of products I craft and how I categorize my work
1. Career Resume: If you have stepped into the corporate world with a vision to do something different. I help you to plan your next 5 years and craft the resume with complete guidance on what Industry looks like and where can you see yourself 5 years from now. This product is for those with experience range of 4 to 12 years.
2. Executive Resume: If you have spent more than 10 years of your life in the Industry and are in a situation where it is getting difficult for you to evaluate your own performance and make a decision whether you should keep doing the same work or explore something new. I craft your resume with deep insight of your Industry and give you an Idea of what other avenues can be explored. This product is for those with experience range between 10 to 17 years
3. Leadership Resume: If you have grown up the ladder and now are in a league where others follow you. If you have done tremendous amount of work and now want a third eye on your career and see what next for you, then let’s get on a call and discuss your profile in length. This product does not revolve around number of years of experience but the attitude you carry towards your career.
4. Career Profile: This is where I work on your Resume(Career Resume) and LinkedIn Profile that takes you one step closer to Executive Professionals. At this junction, your LinkedIn profile will work as a catalyst for next 5 years of career and will teach you the importance of being socially connected with professionals around you
5. Executive Profile: If you are in a decision making position, and if, what you do on daily basis directly impacts the decisions of senior management, then this segment is very important for you. An Executive Resume with a strong LinkedIn profile will act like a cherry on the cake for you. You have already spent more than 10 years of your career in this industry and the industry somehow recognizes you with your organization and designation. Now it is very important for you to tell the Industry what makes you a future Leader and how different are you in your approach towards work as compared to others
6. Leadership Profile: You are leading by example now. You have done some tremendous work in the Industry all these years and now is the time to showcase and share your style of working with others in the industry who look up to you. Having a Leadership profile with strong resume and LinkedIn not only helps you to move ahead in career but also enables you to evaluate your own performance till date. From where you started and the point you have reached is all well evaluated and crafted through these 2 documents
7. Branding Profile: This includes a powerful PowerPoint Presentation and a strong LinkedIn Profile that is just a way to self-Brand you. You are the Master of your own Industry. Share your best practices with people on this platform who look up to you through a strong PowerPoint presentation and showcase your personality with a strong LinkedIn Profile
8. Career Bucket: This is combination of all; A Leadership Resume + A strong LinkedIn Profile + a Power Point Presentation + Industry Insights + your contribution to the Industry and what makes you a successful professional in the Industry.